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Impact of AI on Designing

Impact of AI on Designing

We have come at a very sensitive point regarding science and its impact on our lives. One wonders how much of our life will be controlled by robots and AI in life if there is already a significant place for algorithm-driven tools in every field.

It has become influential in UI/UX design to improve the experience for people by refining content and personalising it. We can trace the roots of AI lead designs back to 2016 when algorithms first picked up their pace within the designing community. Now, it has become essential for every designer because it simply improves the quality of design.

We can see examples where the algorithm was able to solve and take care of many things regarding the design. But we cannot speculate that AI will take over the designing community thus eliminating all space for designers. One does question the future of designers but at the same time, we know for a fact that AI sounds quite futuristic nonetheless. It is so because there are more aspects to designing than personalisation or content refining. On a daily basis, managers are met with several collisions that designers take care of which AI is yet not capable of.

That being said, AI has a lot in store for designers. As stated, the process of designing is complicated and comes with many responsibilities. There is visual styling, information architecting, use research, code changing and much more that covers the job description of a designer. This is when AI comes in to play its role. Since the plate for designers is full, it can be hard to focus on each aspect of the last detail and make it perfect. But AI design will help designers tackle their work more efficiently by taking care of some of the work.

With the help of AI, many companies have been able to create a better relationship with their customers. Whether it is about chatbots, templates and optimisation, AI has been able to bring significant value to the user experience and interaction patterns. We can neither downplay nor overestimate the future but we can safely assume that things will only get better in many aspects. Many websites like Medium, Netflix, Airbnb etc. are examples of what can be done with AI or what can it give to your company. These are the websites which have heightened the customer experience through AI.

When it comes to user interface, it will make the interactions noticeably better by providing correct information that is useful to customers so they do not feel the need to have longer conversations. Similarly, by dealing with all probable complications that customers might face, designers will be able to improve the chatbot conversations too.

In addition to that, we can already see 3D visual effects that are used in terms of purchases such as clothes and furniture that allows users to fully visualise what they will be buying. AI design has also helped in the overall designing of application besides websites so that you can compare different designs. These are the very initial changes that you can easily see and we can expect more to come in near future.

At Krome, we specialise in website design services as well as user interface websites. If you or your client are interested in creating a site, it’s time to tell us about your project or have a chat about what we can do. You can contact us here.

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