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Understanding Logo File Formats

Here are some of the quick guide of understanding logo file formats that needed for print or website which have different types of file format for different usage.

Understanding Logo File Formats

EPS File

EPS file is a vector illustration commonly used for logos as it can resize the graphic as big or small without the quality of the image being compromised. It have a large number of programs and is best used with printed documents due to its high-quality appearance.

When to use an EPS format:

JPG File

JPG is preferred to use for internet as it have a smaller file size and fast load time. Even though it can’t be enlarged like an EPS can, but they can be kept at their original file size and still look sharp when viewed on a computer monitor.

When to use JPG format:

PNG File

PNG is preferred for internet use for a web-ready graphic with a transparent background to be on top of another graphic or solid colour.

When to use PNG format:

TIF File

TIF file format works in any program and can be used for high-quality printing projects, as long as they were created at 300 dpi.

When to use TIF format:

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